
"...analytical skills lend themselves nicely to learning new systems. She has become proficient with minimal guidance... She tackles new assignments in Excel with enthusiasm and reliable results. She always seems pleased to learn new technical skills. It is a pleasure to share my knowledge with her."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

"... departmental customers speak very highly of [_] efforts and support. When her assignments have changed, resulting in others in... providing customer support, I have been told how disappointed people are to lose her support. She communicates thoroughly, provides prompt responses, and is driven to provide exceptional customer service."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

"Process efficiency is always on [_] mind. She is regularly engaged in resolving problems and supporting, through policy research, the reasons for her responses and actions."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

"... generously offered her expertise and time training staff to assume the role of travel coordinator. Her efforts have resulted in reliable results."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

"... is committed to quality results. The is not just an exception of her employer, but it is deeply personal to her. She is driven to please and produce an excellent work product."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

" is comprised of a variety of personalities. Some are challenging to work with. There has been significant improvement - surely, as a result of [_] modifying the way she approaches widely-regarded difficult staff members. And while her duties are different than those of the other team members, she is clearly a team player and has worked hard to make adjustments in how she interacts with difficult teammates."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

"... notices financial outliers. She always seeks input about resolving or understanding those outliers..."

Corporate Experience

Corporate Commenter

  • Excellent (5) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "I was curious of the inner workings of starting your own business and what I would need in the financial realm"
  • About right for the service length duration given.
  • Extremely honest (5) for guidance given.
  • Extremely well (5) for services met needs.
  • Extremely well (5) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Extremely likely (5) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "I honestly only have positive feed back. I had very little knowledge of building my own financial freedom before being educated."
  • Extremely likely (5) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "It was extremely useful. It gave me a foundation on which to build from."


  • Excellent (5) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "Word of mouth"
  • About right for the service length duration given.
  • Extremely honest (5) for guidance given.
  • Very well (4) for services met needs.
  • Very well (4) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Extremely likely (5) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "Too the point and very understanding."
  • Somewhat likely (3) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "Very."


  • Good (3) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "Had to."
  • About right for the service length duration given.
  • Somewhat honest (3) for guidance given.
  • Somewhat well (3) for services met needs.
  • Somewhat well (3) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Somewhat likely (3) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "Cool."
  • Somewhat likely (3) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "Great."


  • Very good (4) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "Seek your services to receive a second opinion."
  • About right for the service length duration given.
  • Very honest (4) for guidance given.
  • Very well (4) for services met needs.
  • Very well (4) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Very likely (4) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "I liked that you took the to understand the outcome of my data analysis. Didn't have a dislike."
  • Very likely (4) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "It was very helpful because I received a different perspective on things."


  • Very good (4) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "I need advice on money management."
  • Too long for the service length duration given.
  • Extremely honest (5) for guidance given.
  • Extremely well (5) for services met needs.
  • Very well (4) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Extremely likely (5) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "I was given good advise. The speak too long"
  • Very likely (4) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "I have not gone over the data as yet."


  • Excellent (5) for overall experience.
  • Reason for seeking services: "To better my financial understanding."
  • About right for the service length duration given.
  • Extremely honest (5) for guidance given.
  • Extremely well (5) for services met needs.
  • Extremely well (5) for how well questions and concerns were understood.
  • Extremely likely (5) for recommending services to others.
  • Likes and dislikes: "The lady I spoke to was very courteous and provided a detailed explanation to every question I asked."
  • Extremely likely (5) for likely to continue with our services.
  • Usefulness on reviewing documents or data mentioned: "Very useful."


"You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise."

Favorite Quote

Maya Angelou

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."

Favorite Quote 2

Maya Angelou


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